Internal Tests
Internal Tests
The college provides information to all students for internal assessment during the induction program in early days of first semester. The schedule of internal exams and the Academic Calendar are followed by the college. Dates for the internal examinations are notified by the Examination committee of the college at least one week in advance. Internal assessment of examination is helpful for upgrading the students’ academic success. Internal Examinations are conducted by the institution to evaluate student performance in theory and practice. Internal Assessment is done via written tests, viva project/Assessment, and Attendance of Students.
The syllabus covered between these Internal tests is approximately 50%, so the full syllabus is covered before the semester exam. Further, evaluated answer sheets are kept for the whole semester. In addition to this, assignments at the end of each unit are also distributed and assessed for inclusion in final internal marks. The detained list is prepared on the basis of common attendance criteria and the same is shared on the notice board at least one to two days in advance. Transparency is fully observed in preparing a detailed list.
There is complete transparency in the internal assessment. The criterion adopted is as directed by the university.
At the beginning of the semester, faculty members inform the students about the various components of the assessment process during the semester.
The internal assessment test schedules are prepared as per the university and communicated to the students well in advance.
To ensure proper conduct of formative tests, two invigilators are assigned to each room. Evaluation is done by the course-handling faculty members within Ten days from the date of examination.